Gold Au $2711.91 $18.17
Silver Ag $32.09 $0.30
Platinum Pt $1002.67 $5.01
Palladium Pd $1057.11 $7.90

We ship in 1-2 business days

Jewelry Appraisals for Insurance


Did you know that typical homeowner’s insurance policies only include aggregate coverage of all your jewelry for $10000-$25000, and any single item is usually covered to a maximum of $1000-$1500? And to make matters worse, that coverage typically only includes fire or theft (not being lost)! If you want your diamond engagement ring, wedding ring, or other high value jewelry to be covered by your insurance policy, you will need to provide your insurance company with a certified appraisal. We offer inexpensive appraisals by a GIA certified gemologist.

Pricing for Jewelry Appraisals

First item: $145*
Addition items: $95

*Pricing for complex items may be higher.


Services we can provide are:

  • Replacement Value Appraisals
  • Fair Mark et Value Appraisals
  • Liquidation Appraisals (Scrap Value)
  • Gemstone Appraisal
  • Diamond Appraisal
  • Gemstone Identification
  • Pearl Valuations
  • Vintage Jewelry Liquidation


Estate Appraisals

Estate Attorneys and Probate Attorneys often use our services for estate appraisals and estate liquidation. We can value many items generally 1-5 days.


Our appraisal services include:

  • Vintage Jewelry – Replacement Value, Fair Market
  • Value, Liquidation Value
  • Modern Jewelry – Replacement Value, Fair Market Value, Liquidation Value
  • Diamonds – Replacement Value, Fair Market Value
  • Rare Coins – Retail Value (Replacement Value), Wholesale Value, Scrap Value
  • Modern Coins – Retail Value (Replacement Value), Wholesale Value, Scrap Value
  • Bullion Bars and Coins – Market Value

In addition, we can provide liquidation services for gold, silver, platinum jewelry, bullion bars, bullion coins, or rare coins. Our prices typically are much better than general estate liquidators as there is one less middle man in the process.